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March Blog from our CEO, Eva Mitchell

Community College Month

Equitable career opportunity is what I believe in and we stand for at the Coalition for Career Development Center. Community colleges are essential for education equity, as they educate students who are more likely to be low-income, first generation, and less academically prepared but equally as talented. Community colleges also tend to serve individuals older than the typical student at a four-year institution–often learning earners, late learners, late earners and career switchers. They deserve our investment and support.

As we celebrate Community College Month we recognize Michigan and Tennessee for making career pathways more accessible through community colleges. Based on the MI and TN models, a few weeks ago Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey proposed free Community College For Massachusetts adults through a MassReconnect program that would cover community college costs,-tuition, fees, books, and coaching for 1.8M residents without a college degree. The City of Boston followed suit and made national news for launching tuition-free schooling at six community colleges for all regardless of age, income or immigration status.

We also elevate Community College leaders, faculty and students who work hard every day to build ladders to social and economic mobility. Our Board Chair Dr. Bryan Albrecht, recently inducted in the AACC Community College Leadership Hall of Fame, remarked on his gratitude “for the opportunity to work with so many dedicated individuals throughout our nation's community and technical colleges.” Our Vice Chair Dr. Annette Parker, a community college president and nationally recognized leader in how to prepare workers for the jobs of the future, is keeping us all focused on improving the education to career trajectory.

Together, let’s make career readiness for all the #1 priority of American education.

Eva Mitchell

Chief Executive Officer

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