National Mentoring Month
Thank A Mentor
January is National Mentoring Month, a time to promote and celebrate the power of supportive and meaningful mentor relationships.
Prioritizing career planning and providing professional career advising are the first two pillars of our five pillar approach to making career readiness the first priority of American education. We must build an army of career coaches to help our youth and young adults achieve and thrive in high-demand, high-wage occupations—and it starts with you!
Tag us on social media!
Thank the influential figures in your life. Use the prompts and graphics below to highlight critical mentoring efforts.
National Mentoring Month
Thanks to [TAG/INSERT NAME OF MENTOR], today I [SHARE YOUR STORY]. Who mentored you?
This #MentoringMonth, join @CoalitionForCareerDevelopmentCenter to amplify the mentoring movement and build an army of career coaches to help our youth and young adults succeed. #ThankYourMentor
I'm Proud To Be Your Mentor
I am honored to celebrate the remarkable achievements of my mentee, [TAG/INSERT NAME OF MENTEE]. Together, we [SHARE YOUR STORY].
This #MentoringMonth, join @CoalitionForCareerDevelopmentCenter to amplify the mentoring movement and build an army of career coaches to help our youth and young adults succeed. #MentoringAmplifies
Thank You For Mentoring Me
This #MentoringMonth, join @CoalitionForCareerDevelopmentCenter to amplify the mentoring movement and build an army of career coaches to help our youth and young adults succeed. #MentoringAmplifies